DNR、Family meeting病歷紀錄模版

林協霆🦎The Lizard
2 min readDec 21, 2023


Same story, different day: oncology patients continue to face their inevitable demise with unwavering regularity.


During our conversation with the patient and their family, we explained the gravity of choosing not to pursue cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in light of the disease’s relentless progression. We clarified that the patient’s illness had entered its final stage, making effective treatments against the tumor obsolete. Consequently, our therapeutic focus has shifted to alleviating symptoms and preparing for the inevitability of approaching mortality.

We also discussed that in our current medical practice, when a patient is critically ill, standard responses include intubation, CPR, administering vasoactive drugs, and immediate transfer to the intensive care unit. However, we emphasized that these interventions do not reverse the natural course of life’s end and often represent exercises in futility. We highlighted the isolation experienced in the ICU, where the patient faces profound solitude, limited to an hour of visitation daily, unable to communicate and separated from the warmth of family.

Finally, we conveyed to the family our commitment to prioritizing the patient’s comfort and dignity in these final stages. We reassured them that our medical decisions are made with the utmost respect for the patient’s quality of life, ensuring a peaceful and compassionate transition. We emphasized the importance of cherishing the remaining time, focusing on meaningful interactions and emotional support, rather than prolonging life through medical interventions that may not contribute to the patient’s overall well-being. Our goal is to provide a serene environment where the patient can be surrounded by love and care, making their final journey as gentle and dignified as possible.

